Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend 2: Paris, France

This weekend we went to Paris! It's only an hour and a half train ride from Metz via the TGV (high speed trains that go about 200 mph). Apparently Paris is divided into districts (who feels like they're in the Hunger Games yet? because I certainly did) and the higher the number of the district, the sketchier it can be. We stayed in 18 out of 20...Oops.. It wasn't too bad though and our hotel was inexpensive which was great! 

We started Saturday morning with a visit to the Sacre Coeur. It's the highest point in Paris (thanks for that fact Mary Margaret!) and has a spectacular view of the city. Below is a picture of the Basilique du Sacre Coeur. Stunning, right?

After this we ventured to the Arc de Triomphe. Did you know that the architect wanted to create a bejeweled elephant but Napoleon stopped him and suggested the Arc instead? Can you imagine visiting a bedazzled, giant elephant? I think I'll agree with Napoleon on this one and say the Arc was a better idea. 

(From L to R: Nicole, Kate, Mary Margaret, Kristen, Me, Asian dude in heroic pose)

Nicole was a fun addition to our travel group this week! She's been studying in Granada, Spain since January and joined us in Paris for the weekend. It was so much fun having her with us and she gave us some great tips for our upcoming trip to Barcelona this weekend. 

We then wandered down the Champs de Elysees with a stop for lunch, various sight seeing, and a banana and nutella crepe :) 

Scenic view of the Eiffel Tower!

banana and Nutella crep... mmm.... 

After meandering down the Champs de Elysees and taking in all the beautiful sights of Paris, we made it to the Louvre. We didn't stay for too long but it was definitely worth the trip and added bonus: free with our international student ID cards! Europe treats students really well and a lot of museums, sights, etc. are extremely discounted or free -- thanks Europe!

The Louvre

We found ancient arts and crafts! These are small roller stamps that they would roll onto clay. How cool!

To wrap up our day, we went to the Champs de Mars (large field in front of the Eiffel Tower) to meet up with a friend, Christy Cork, who has been living just outside Paris as an Au pair for the past 2 years. I'm so glad we got to see her and catch up. It was wonderful to hear about her life here in France and her plans for PA school when she returns to the states. Also, at night the Eiffel Tower lights up and sparkles on the hour! It was beautiful to see at night. 

Look who I found! 

Eiffel Tower at night! 

Sunday morning we went to the Notre Dame and took some fun pictures with it! 

Casually leaning on the Notre Dame. 

Then we happened across a bridge I'd read about in my travel book! It's the Lover's lock bridge and you and your significant other are supposed to take a lock, lock it onto the bridge, and throw the key into the river to signify the bond of your love. It was covered in locks!

(See the loving bond between cake and pie...)

Then we went to the Luxembourg Gardens and enjoyed the sunshine and an ice cream. There were also a ton of kids playing with these little boats in a fountain in the park! It was beautiful and very relaxing to enjoy the park. Although we did get in trouble for sitting on the grass. Who doesn't let you sit on the grass in a park?! 

Little boats! There were tons of kids playing with them. Each boat represents a country 

Me and Mary Margaret in the Luxembourg Garden

A couple of different sights from Paris that aren't on the typical tour route: 

Didn't bring a hat? It's okay, use your Louvre map. 
(Now that's what I call innovative origami)

A European parking job. There isn't a space? It's okay, just push the other car out of the way until there's "room" for yours. 

We made one final stop at the Eiffel Tower before heading back to our train. It was a beautiful weekend in Paris! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the pics, since MM's camera broke! I am so thrilled for you girls!
